Dr. Afolasade Fakolade, MSc, PhD

Assistant professor, School of Rehabilitation Therapy, Queen’s University

Dr. Afolasade Fakolade trained as a physiotherapist in Nigeria and completed her MSc in Neurorehabilitation at Cardiff University, Wales and her PhD in Rehabilitation Science at Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario. She then proceeded to the University of Ottawa, where she completed her postdoctoral training in dyadic (care recipients and caregivers together) physical activity programming in multiple sclerosis. She is currently an assistant professor in the School of Rehabilitation Therapy at Queen’s University, Kingston, where the overarching goal of her research program is to support active and healthy living among families of people affected by physical disabilities (inclusive of the person with the disability).

Her research has a dual focus on understanding the impact of disability on both care recipients and their family caregivers and implementing appropriate intervention strategies to promote their collective well-being. Her work strongly focuses on characterizing and examining factors influencing care recipients’ and caregivers’ wellness needs, outcomes, and experiences across the spectrum of mild to advanced disability. She is co-developing a Caregiver Research Wellness Collaborative (CARECO) at Queen’s, which will focus on building capacity to address caregiver well-being needs.

Dr. Afolasade Fakolade, MSc, Ph.D.